2025-2026 ISFAA Committees
Access, Equity, and Diversity Committee
This committee supports the promotion of a culture of diversity and inclusion within ISFAA by encouraging involvement and access regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location, professional level, or institution type.
Committee Co-Chair
Michelle Short, FAAC® Ivy Tech Community College
Committee Co-Chair
Veronica Gallardo Purdue University Northwest

- Monique Ware, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Kevin Marler, Ivy Tech Community College
Archives Committee
This committee is responsible for maintaining the records of ISFAA for archival purposes.
Committee Chair
Amber Phillips, FAAC® ISFAA Secretary Indiana University Indianapolis
- Jenifer Heady, Ivy Tech Community College
Audit Committee
The committee is responsible for auditing the documentation from the past year treasury to ensure policy and practices were maintained.
Committee Chair
Lauren Greider, FAAC® ISFAA President-Elect Indiana University Indianapolis
- Kelly McGuire, Trine University
- Charlette Sauders, Grace College
- Sara Lambie, FAAC®, Indiana University
Bylaws Committee
The committee is responsible for reviewing the ISFAA Bylaws and suggesting updates to ensure the most up-to-date practices of the organization.
Committee Chair
Lauren Greider, FAAC® ISFAA President-Elect Indiana University Indianapolis
- Kelly McGuire, Trine University
- Charlette Sauders, Grace College
- Sara Lambie, FAAC®, Indiana University
Budget and Finance Committee
This committee is responsible for monitoring the ISFAA budget, financial statements, and investment decisions.
Committee Chair
Nathan Lohr, FAAC® ISFAA Immediate Past Treasurer Purdue University
- Colby Shank, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Lauren Greider, FAAC®, Indiana University Indianapolis
- Casey Trela, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Amanda Fishman, FAAC®, Butler University
College Goal Sunday Committee
The committee is responsible for organizing and planning statewide college Goal Sunday efforts.
Committee Co-Chair
Bill Wozniak INvestEd
Committee Co-Chair
Michael McClure Vincennes University
- Caleb Fendrich, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Kauren Bautista, University of Notre Dame
Conference Planning Committee
This committee is responsible for organizing and planning the Annual Conference, including physical arrangements, cost estimations, registration process, establishing a theme, scheduling topics, and recruiting presenters.
Committee Co-Chair
Julie Wonderlin, FAAC® Ivy Tech Community College
Committee Co-Chair
Kim Heldt Vincennes University

Committee Co-Chair
- Megan Watson, FAAC®, Indiana University Indianapolis
- Kristie Watson, Ivy Tech Community College
- Toni Brown, Purdue University
- Vickie Montgomery, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Sarah Glener, Franklin College
- Amber Phillips, FAAC®, Indiana University Indianapolis
- Kady Finnerty, Ivy Tech Community College
- Santwinaa Nunez, University of Indianapolis
Directors' Day Committee
This committee is responsible for planning and organizing ISFAA's first annual Director's Day event for financial aid office principals.
Committee Co-Chair
Kathy Ramsey, FAAC® Ivy Tech Community College
Committee Co-Chair
Melissa Smurdon Butler University
- Donna Ring, Indiana State University
- Colby Shank, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
Financial Aid Outreach Committee
This committee coordinates high school counselor workshops and other financial aid outreach events in coordination with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education and other statewide stakeholders.
Committee Co-Chair
Bill Wozniak INvestEd
Committee Co-Chair
Santwinaa Nunez University of Indianapolis
- Caleb Fendrich, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Brenda Marion, Ivy Tech Community College
Fundraising Committee
This committee is responsible for identifying and implementing additional sources of revenue to support the mission of ISFAA, including through ISFAA merchandise sales and fundraising events.
Committee Co-Chair
Sara Lambie, FAAC® Indiana University
Committee Co-Chair
Donette Downing Sallie Mae

- Deb Gossman, College Ave
- Julie Boyce, Indiana State University
Governmental Relations Committee
The committee is responsible to educate the ISFAA membership about the legislative process, encourage the membership to effectively express their professional opinion related to creation and modification of legislation, and provide important legislative information to the ISFAA members.
Committee Chair
Sarah Soper ISFAA Vice President for Governmental Relations Indiana University
- Colby Shank, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Heidi Carl, Purdue University
- Maralee Clayton, Ball State University
- Melissa Smurdon, Butler University
- Robert Sommers, Taylor University
- Bill Wozniak, INvestEd
Leadership Development Committee
This committee is responsible for organizing and planning leadership events and a mentoring program dedicated to increasing leadership skills and member involvement in ISFAA.
Committee Co-Chair
Garnet Tipton Hanover College
Committee Co-Chair
Ron Herrell, FAAC® Purdue University Fort Wayne

- Les Cintron, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
Long Range Site Committee
This committee investigates possible meeting sites for ISFAA events such as the Incoming Executive Committee Retreat and the Annual Conference, and negotiate services and facilities to be provided.
Committee Chair
Kevin Jacobs Indiana University Bloomington

- Megan Watson, FAAC®, Indiana University Indianapolis
Membership Committee
The membership committee is responsible for the recruitment and retention of the membership.
Committee Co-Chair
Cara Short Butler University

Committee Co-Chair
Cindi Sabo-Jones, FAAC® Indiana University Northwest

- Monique Ware, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Rachelle Sorg, Manchester University
Newsletter Committee
This committee is responsible for the creation and publication of the ISFAA newsletter.
Committee Chair
Matt Krieg INvestEd

- Monique Ware, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
Pat Wilson Scholarship Committee
This committee is charged with creating a dynamic and robust fundraising strategy for the Pat Wilson Scholarship Fund, which includes a fundraising function at the annual conference.
Committee Co-Chair
Kelly McGuire Trine University

Committee Co-Chair
Steve Quiesser Student Connections

- Deb Gossman, College Ave
- Vicky Crippen-Lake, Ivy Tech Community College
- Daana Young, Ivy Tech Community College
Sponsorships Committee
This committee solicits financial support from various vendors to help support the mission of ISFAA.
Committee Chair
Raina Chezem ELM Resources

Support Staff Workshop
This committee is responsible for planning and hosting the annual ISFAA Support Staff Workshop.
Committee Co-Chair
Cordell Chenault Ivy Tech Community College

Committee Co-Chair
Abby Clifton Indiana University Indianapolis

- Monique Ware, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
Training Committee
This committee is responsible for organizing training opportunities for ISFAA membership, including NASFAA Credential training events, Certified Financial Aid Administrator preparation workshops, and other training opportunities.
Committee Co-Chair
Robert Sommers Taylor University

Committee Co-Chair
Courtney Knauff Indiana University Indianapolis

- Les Cintron, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Angel McAllister, Indiana Commission for Higher Education
- Paul Friebus, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Kelly Lally, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Daelynn Moore, Indiana University Indianapolis
- Bennett Gallivan, Ivy Tech Community College
Website Committee
The committee is responsible for the management of the ISFAA website and other related electronic resources.
Committee Chair
Keith Chezem Ivy Tech Community College

- Monique Ware, FAAC®, Ivy Tech Community College
- Ken Mennell, Vincennes University
- Russell Tragesser, Purdue University